"You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Acts 1:8 (ESV)
Jesus calls His people to make an impact starting in their own communities and then reaching out to make an impact across the world. At Cornerstone we take this command seriously and support a multitude of missions and ministries both here in our own community and around the world. Here are some of ministries and missionaries we currently support. We support God's Kingdom work at the Global, National, State, and Local levels.
CLICK HERE to get information about the various global ministries and missions we support to carry the Gospel of Jesus to the "end of the earth".

We support these ministries and missions in the state of Texas to make an impact in our state for Jesus. CLICK HERE to get more info about the Texas ministries and missions we support.
We believe a church should make a positive impact on their community. We partner with several local ministries to help meet both the spiritual and physical needs in our community. CLICK HERE to get more info about the local ministries we support to impact our community.
We also partner with a few other ministries to broaden our Gospel impact. CLICK HERE to further explore ways being a part of Cornerstone can be a part of your personal plan to make a Gospel impact.